Inspired by Ben Dean's success in getting an ever-so-mildly critical comment published in Environmental
It took 6 months to review this, a week to revise the comment.
As before, ERL shows an aversion to hard questions. The referee also complains that it has been over two years since Cook's paper was published, seemingly oblivious to the great delays the journal incurs.
The referee also asked me to place Cook's results in the context of other estimates of the rate of the agreement on the hypothesis that most of the observed warming is due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. That was a bit of an eye-opener. Like many others, I had believed Cook that his result was in line with other estimates. It is not.
Figure 1. Estimates of the consensus on anthropogenic
global warming according to Cook et al. and other studies (Bray, Oreskes,
Doran, Anderegg, Stenhouse, Verheggen) as a function of the sample size.
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